Ilustrácie sú moja srdcovka ale zároveň je to pre mňa veľká zodpovednosť. Detská predstavivosť je totiž obrovská a ilustrácie v knižkách ju formujú a rozvíjajú. Každý z nás si pamätá ilustrácie z nasej obľúbenej detskej knižky. Nie je to o presnom vystihnutí obsahu toho čo čítame – ale o budovaní a rozvíjaní nasej predstavivosti. Ako únik do sveta snov na krídlach knižiek… aj v dnešnom modernom svete elektronických čítačiek.
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for the book- Russian fairytales, watercolor
Illustration for Zvonček magazine, watercolor
Illustration for Maxik magazine, watercolor
Cover of Zvonček magazine, combined technique
Illustration for Maxik magazine, watercolor
Illustration for Maxik magazine, watercolor
Illustrations for the book Still living stories, pencil drawing
Illustrations for the book Still living stories, pencil drawing
Illustrations for Kristina Rojova’s book, watercolor
Illustrations for the book Eromantic notes
Illustrations for the book Eromantic notes
Illustrations for the book Eromantic notes
Illustrations for the book Eromantic notes
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Spelling book Lipka – 2004, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration – Biblical stories, watercolor
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique
Illustration for Svetlana Majchrakova’s book The Elves and the Knighthood. Combined technique